If you are a woman in your 20-30's you probably know who Christine Elise McCarthy is. If I were to say the name Emily Valentine you most likely would think about a certain California based TV show and possibly think of the clip below:
or you may also know her as Harper Tracy on my all time favorite medical Drama, ER (
Christine Elise ER demo reel from IMDB). What you may not know about her is she was a writer on Beverly Hills 90210, she is a photographer, she writes a food blog and she recently wrote her first book, Bathing & The Single Girl.
Christine Elise ER demo reel from IMDB). What you may not know about her is she was a writer on Beverly Hills 90210, she is a photographer, she writes a food blog and she recently wrote her first book, Bathing & The Single Girl.
Bathing & The Single Girl This story follows actress Ruby Fitzgerald on her quest to regain the fame she once had. Ruby has not worked in years, nor has she had a relationship in years. She is struggling financially and emotionally.
This book is very well written and very easily pulls you into the lives of the characters. This book was hysterical. It's the PERFECT summer beach read! While the character Ruby is a struggling actress the events of her daily life could easily be applied to anyone's life. You will absolutely love this book! I highly suggest you run (or click) and buy it as soon as you can!
I am highly looking forward to Ms. McCarthy's future writings and appearances.
Be sure to read Christine Elise McCarthy book, http://www.bathingandthesinglegirl.com/. You can also follow her food blog, www.DelightfulDeliciousDelovely.com or check out her photographs, www.MyPinUpArt.com. You can also follow her on twitter, @celisemccarthy.
~I received a free eBook to read and review~
~I was not compensated in anyway for my honest opinion~