Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hot Six by Janet Evanovich (Chick Lit Challenge book 10, TBR Challenge Book 8, Just For Fun Challenge Book 7)

Hot Six By Janet Evanovich

Just finished Hot Six by Janet Evanovich. I seem to be on a Stephanie Plum kick. lol This story follows Stephanie's (the bounty hunter) quest to find Alexander Ramo's killer. At the same time she is dealing with her boyfriend Joe Morrelli and Ranger another bounty hunter she has the hots for. At the same time her Grandmother also moves into her apartment. I don't want to give the whole story away, but if you haven't started reading this series yet I highly suggest you do!

Remember One For the Money the first book in the series will be a movie staring Katherine Heigel as Stephanie Plum and Sherri Sheppard as Lula.

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