Friday, December 26, 2014

Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography

        As a young child I found a tv show about a young boy who was doctor.
Doogie Howser, M.D. quickly became one of my favorite tv shows. I watched it all the time. I had a video tape with several episodes and a Cher concert on it. It very rarely left my VCR. The day it got stuck and destroyed in my 1980's JVC VCR I was nearly devastated. Who knew at that point it would end up being about 15 years before I would get to see an entire episode again. As soon as it came out on DVD I made sure to get them. Soon after that they started airing it on TV too. 

    In the years since Doogie Howser Neil Patrick Harris did many things, including tv shows, appearances on talk shows, movies, Broadway, host of many award shows and much more. At some point I started to see him appearing on commercials for a new TV show on CBS. I honestly did not think much of the show from the commercials, but decided to watch because a. NPH was in it and b. the girl from American Pie (Alyson Hannigan) was also in it, so with the two of them it has to be funny. Little did I know that How I Met Your Mother would become one of the funniest shows on TV, ultimately becoming legen...wait for it DARY!  It quickly became my favorite TV show, but still for some strange reason I had the hardest time convincing my mother to watch it. It was not until our local newspaper did a story about the shows creators that my mother started watching. Why did she start? The creators grew up in my home town a few blocks from where I lived. We went to all the same schools, several years apart. The time she started was roughly around the time Lily & Marshall moved into the neighborhood (on tv anyway), although the images of the houses and town they showed looked nothing like the real thing. My mother started watching every episode! Didn't matter if it was new or syndication she had to watch it! I repeatedly began hearing "Why didn't I start watching this sooner." Back to NPH. on How I Met Your Mother he played Barney Stinson, who after "Suiting up" was a woman crazy person. He performance yielded many catchphrases that every time I hear someone say something similar will always make me think about HIMYM.

    Around the same time HIMYM announced when its final season would be, Regis left Live. NPH filled in so many times. The dynamic between him and Kelly Ripa was amazing. I was hoping (although not realistically) that some how NPH could do HIMYM, Live, star on Broadway, Host award shows, and live his personal life all at the same time. (Sorry Michael Strahan NPH was my first choice). He did not end up being host, but he is on a lot. He manages to live his life, care for gorgeous children, star on Broadway (most recently in Hedwig and the Angry Inch), as well as many other aspects of his life including writing an autobiography. 

     I have to note, NPH's Choose Your Own Autobiography is the first (and most likely, only) biography I have ever wanted to read. I am honored that Random House publishers approved my request to review read and review NPH's new autobiography. 

       I had a strong feeling that Choose Your Own Autobriography would be fun and exciting just like his personality appears to be on TV. After reading it I know now that to be true. The story has true adventures, as well as adventures you hope to be true and some that are just too crazy to believe for a second. I read and re-read the book three times, each time choosing a different option to learn more about the life of NPH. I absolutely loved his autobiography! Could not put it down!I am truly looking forward to reading any other books he writes as well as all the award shows he will host (Oscars February 22, 2015), tv shows & movies he will star in, along with anything else he does in the public eye. I hope to one day get to see him on Broadway (maybe he will go back to Hedwig). 

    I highly recommend reading his book. I would suggest a hard or paperback version instead of an ebook as it was little confusing bouncing around to follow the adventure on an ebook. 

~I received a free ebook to review.~

~I was not compensated in any way for my honest review.~

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